Thursday, August 27, 2009


It was another 6 k.m steep ascent in our bikes to the hill top. The road is narrow, be careful of the traffic coming from the other direction. The view while climbing the hill was stunning. You can notice elephant dung all over the place. So don't be surprised if you spot a few elephants. But be careful not to mess with them as they are wild elephants.

We finally made it to the hill top. It was the best moment of all our lives. The temperature was dropping even at 2 p.m. We reached for our jerkins to protect ourselves from the cold. The temple was closed. So we decided to take a few pictures posing against the nature's background.

Neglecting the guard's warning we decided to head to the forest behind the temple. Its not just a single hill. They are a series of hills. Our feet began to ache soon after covering a couple of hills. There seemed to be no end of the hills. Its very easy to get lost if you do not remember your way back. As we kept traveling, we spotted a skulk of foxes. They were staring at us. It scared the shit out of us!! ( atleast out of me). It was as though I had trespassed nature's property. Me and 4 others decided that we wouldn't be going any further. But the other three continued to the top most peak we could see. We only prayed for them to return safely.

Luckily they did return unharmed and we started to head back toward the temple. We had nearly covered 4 k.m and returning was exhausting. It was 3.30 p.m when we started to head back. But suddenly the weather grew worse. The fog totally covered everything around us. We couldn't see anything beyond a distance of 3 meters.
Thanks to the one guy who knew the correct way back. If it was me I'd have certainly took the wrong route and would have been lost for sure.

So before going any further please make sure to make some marking or waypoints so you could find your way back amidst the thick fog.

We finally made it to the temple. Everyone totally exhausted. We visited the temple and thanked God for bringing us alive...

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